Prof. Sophia Chan 陳肇始教授

Prof. Sophia Chan 陳肇始教授

Youders’ Story – Prof. Sophia Chan陳肇始教授 Recipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in 1990/91 尤德爵士紀念基金本科生獎學金1990/91年得獎者 “Life always begins with a tiny little step outside of your comfort zone,” Professor Sophia Chan,...
Dr. Karen Cheung 張筱蘭博士

Dr. Karen Cheung 張筱蘭博士

Recipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships in 1999/2000 & 2000/2001 尤德爵士紀念基金研究生獎學金1999/2000 及 2000/2001年得獎者 In today’s society, everyone pursues “winning at the starting line”, values ​​background and innate advantages. But in fact, many leaders came from...

Bring Your Own Bag

Background The Bring Your Own Bag campaign is a staple collective effort worldwide that aims to combat the alarming rates of plastic bag wastage by encouraging its reduced use. Yet, scientists have found that plastics STILL find their way to the world’s largest bodies...
Mr. Albert Yiu 姚志偉先生

Mr. Albert Yiu 姚志偉先生

Youders’ Story – Mr. Albert YiuRecipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in 1993/94尤德爵士紀念基金本科生獎學金1993/94年度得獎者 The recipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in 1993/94, Executive Director of...
Prof. Mee-kam Ng 伍美琴教授

Prof. Mee-kam Ng 伍美琴教授

Youders’ Story – Prof. Mee Kam Ng伍美琴教授Recipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships of Overseas Studies in 1988/89尤德爵士紀念基金海外研究生獎學金1988/89年得獎者 Prof. Mee Kam Ng wanted to be a teacher since she was a child and she was intrigued by the knowledge in Geography....