Recipient of Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in 1996/97


Many think of architects as designers that produce sketches. For one of the award recipients of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships for Undergraduate Students 1996/97, Ms Florence Chan, the pursuit of architecture is a journey that encompasses passion for design, hunger for knowledge and a belief in team work.

At young age, Ms. Chan’s favorite pass time activity was building models of all kinds. Her first encounter with architecture was through reading floor plans from apartment sales brochure whereby she was fascinated by how three dimensional space being represented on two dimensional drawings. Against this background, Ms. Chan opted to pursue architectural study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) after HKCEE. The four-year education at CUHK proved to be a life-changing experience for Ms. Chan. Not only did the program equipped Ms. Chan with the technical know-how to be an architect. More importantly, she learned the importance of critical thinking, and the importance to listen and respond to criticism. After graduated from CUHK with First Class Honour, Ms. Chan decided to get out of her comfort zone, and further her study abroad at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), where she completed her Master in Architecture. Those who were invited to give lectures at the GSD are all outstanding architects and scholars. The opportunity to be joining those lecture as students was an eye-opening experience for Ms. Chan.

Upon graduation, Ms. Chan joined Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, the firm that designed IFC Hong Kong. After studying and working in the US for almost a decade, Ms. Chan decided to return to Hong Kong in 2007. Since then, she has been working at the New York-based architecture firm Kohn Pedersen Fox and Associates PC (KPF) and she is now a Director overseeing the firm’s projects in Hong Kong and mainland China.

One of Ms. Chan’s favorite and memorable project is Hysan Place – a project which sets new standard for sustainable building in Hong Kong. Ms. Chan vividly recalled her encounter with Mr. Peter Lee, the late Chairman of Hysan Development. “Mr. Lee’s determination to build the most sustainable building in town was the most admirable. Without him pushing the limit of the design team, the Hysan Place today would have been very different. He showed me what a great leader can do to make an impact.” Unfortunately, the Chairman passed away before the completion of the project. Now, when Ms. Chan passed by Hysan Place, she would think of the Chairman and be reminded the importance to lead by example.

At present, Ms. Chan is leading a team of architects on the design and construction of the new Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Campus project which is scheduled to open in Fall 2022. The opportunity to design an entire campus from scratch is a once-in-a-life time experience. As a professional for almost 20 years, Ms. Chan still finds herself learning daily in this challenging project. “The opportunity to design buildings that provide a good and sustainable learning environment for our future generation is a very meaningful act. It makes all the late night hard work worthwhile” said Ms. Chan.

Outside work, Ms. Chan is currently serving as the Vice-President (President-elect 2022) of the American Institute of Architects Hong Kong Chapter. Under her leadership, the Chapter has launched programs to provide career guidance to students who are interested in pursuing a career in architecture. A strong believer in the power of education, Ms. Chan taught architectural design at her alma mater CUHK. Ms. Chan is currently serving as a mentor in the Mentorship Programme of the Sir Edward Youde Scholars Association. “I was very fortunate to have benefited from different great mentors at different moments of my career, and I understand the importance of having such supports. Now that I am a mentor myself, I realize the role of a mentor is not only a one way sharing. I learned from my mentees, too!” Through sharing, we can all become a better person.




哈佛大學畢業後,陳女士加入了美國Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects (PCPA),PCPA最為大家熟悉的作品應該是香港國際金融中心。留美10年,陳女士於2007年回流香港工作,於美國 KPF 建築事務所香港辦事處工作,現時擔任項目總監,負責公司在香港和中國大陸的項目。




現時陳女士參與尤德學者協會的Mentorship Programme中擔任mentor。她很感恩能夠在職業生涯裡不同時刻受益於不同的mentor,作為過來人,她很理解互相扶持的必要。從mentee成為mentor,陳女士領會到mentor的角色不只是單向的分享,而是雙向的學習。透過互相交流分享,大家都有機會改善及進步,同步向前。